First of all, please complete this quick Forms quiz to help me find out how much you already know about ClickView.
From the homepage, click on the 'search' box. This is highlighted by the red circle in the picture below.
Choose your subject select CfE level and strand. Don't be too specific here as there may not be videos that have been maped to your subject.
Once you have selected a video that you would like to use, click on create interactive video. This is circled in the picture below. This will add your video to your workspace.
Click the play button as highlighted in the picture below. This will start the creation of your interactive video.
You can now begin the process of creating an interactive video. You can either play the video through then hit pause when you want to add question or slide the time bar along to the point where you want to add a question. In the picture below, it can be seen that i decided to add a multiple choice question at 45 seconds.
Type a question, some possible answers and remember to select the correct answer. Once finished, hit the save button. Repeat this process to add more questions.
Your questions will appear under the 'interactive video overview' header, as highlighted below. Once you have finished creating hit 'save and continue', highlighted below.
The next screen allows you to change the title of the video and allows you to add a description. I used the description to remind me which S1 lesson the video is relates to. I will then embed this video into the relevent place on my website. Once finished, hit 'save and continue'.
You will then be given the option if you want to share this video with others in the school. It would be great if you could share your video but no worries if not.
You now have three options. You can preview your video, share with your students or view in your workspace. As you can see below, I clicked share with students here.
You can now copy the link to your video (or embed it into a website) and paste the link somewhere that your students can access it such as Teams or OneNote. It would be great if you could copy the link to your video ans paste it into the Form i have created as an exit poll in the last step.
Once your students have viewed your interactive video, to view their results first click 'workspace', as shown below.
Then click 'Interactive Videos' under the Workspace heading, as shown below.
Then click 'view results', as shown below.
Please complete the Form below